Member-only story
Java/Android Development
It occurred to me the other day I have yet to talk about my first programing language Java! I must confess I have a personal affinity for Java as nearly all of my earliest code was written in it. So one key but one of many differences between Java and the languages I have learned at Makers (Ruby/Javascript) is Java is a compiled language.
Whats a compiled language? Compiled languages are converted directly into machine code which your computer processor can execute, as a result it means the code is usually a lot more efficient. JavaScript and Ruby are both what we call interpreted languages, interpreted languages will run through a program line by line and execute each command as it goes. I could go off on a tangent and talk about the pros and cons of compiled vs interpreted however that is not the focus of this post, I may have to cover that in the future.

So back to the focus of this post I just wanted to touch on what I have explored in the world of Java and what I want to still cover.
My learning resources and what I covered so far
I started learning Java by taking Tim Buchalka’s Udemy course “Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers” this gave me a great insight into concepts such as classes, constructors, encapsulation, datatypes, naming conventions, setters/getters, loops, switches, methods, overridden…