Version Control part 2
Week 1 — Version control
“git status” will give us an overview of any files changed since we last accessed the repository. It will display each file modified, if nothing has changed it will return the message “working directory clean”. If we haven’t added anything to the staging area in addition the message “nothing to commit” will show, it is good practice to run git status before making an additional modifications.
If we have file in the staging area when running git status it will show us the files that are due to commit, If there are none we will receive the message “working directory clean”. Remember if your making changes to files within the command line you need to stage and commit them in order to ensure there updated, you will receive a message of these changes if you were to run git status after the modification.

When running git status you will be notified of modified files that not staged or committed, if you wish to discard any of the new changes and not commit them just yet use “git checkout”.
Running the “git log” will provide us of a history of all the commits to the files and in question and who made them, in addition to this each commit will have its own unique code.
To remove files we use the command “git rm”, example “git rm fileName”. Don’t forget even when directly deleting the file we need to notify git of the change using “git commit -m “deleted a file””.
To check out previous versions of your files you first run “git log” then enter the command “git checkout” followed by the specific commit’s unique code, example “git checkout bd146d63288d29”. We finally enter the command “git checkout master” and we’ll be able to see all the files from the master branch listed from the selected version.