Week 2 Reflection
Ok! time to put into writing how I feel my second week at Makers has gone, overall I feel it had been a very positive week for me. In this time I have got a far better grip on the concepts surrounding TDD and I honestly say I love the process. In addition to this I feel the way in which I pair program is getting far more fluent and I feel nowhere near as clunky as I did in the first week.
I feel pretty comfortable working with projects that contain multiple classes and unit testing the code within them is not an issue. I do however feel I need a little more practice using mocks and stubs, I get the gist of how to use them I just feel I need a little more practice. I am thankful at this stage of the course I’m still pretty comfortable with OOP concepts and I think my prior study has for sure aided me a large amount to this point.
This week I have also had the opportunity to review my peer's code and vise versa which I have found a really valuable experience. Understanding the floors in the readability of your code is really important and having that outside constructive criticism I have found really helpful.

Just to touch on one more concept I will no doubt cover in the near future is dependency injection, I feel I understand this principle fairly well however I feel writing a blog on it would be useful to confirm my assumptions about it with some further research.
Overall, in summary, I feel the two key things I need to take away from this week are the following; I need to put in the time to add informative comments to my code in order to make it more readable and I need to work on my understanding of mocks and stubs. I feel these are two fairly achievable goals and overall feel happy with how this week has gone and it for sure helps when your working with awesome people.