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Week 9 Reflection
So this week was a little overwhelming in all truth, however, its been a real growing experience. This week required my team to learn not only Rails but React too! This week consisted of a combination of stress and success, however, I for sure feel I’m a better developer because of it.
Some of the key things I need to work on coming out of this week is my testing process and my agile workflow. It has been the second project I have worked on in an Agile environment and it can be tricky at times. However on a positive I feel it is getting a little better each time, practice makes perfect after all. In regards to the way in which we tested our code this week, improvement is needed, one thing I have learned about using new tech is it can be tricky to test. It's hard to follow TDD when you don't know what it is your testing for, we found a great way to reduce this difficulty is to ‘spike’ (draft) a mini project using a tutorial.

My mind is a little cluttered this weekend however I still want to do some learning if I can, one of the main new technologies exciting me after this week is React so I’d love to make a few new mini-projects. I have about 8 hours worth of React tutorials to cover so I hope to have some awesome stuff coming up, I’m really looking forward to seeing what I can do.
This week I also had my first ever code review with one of the Makers hiring…